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Good Friday Is Good!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]   The day the Iraq War began in March 2003 I arrived at my parent’s home in Colorado about 7 pm. They had expected me a day earlier, but one of the biggest snow storms to ever hit the state had snowed-in the conference center not far from them »

The Malcus’ Ear Malady

Within hours, the sleeping Peter, and the impetuous defender, is denying His Lord as he stands “alone among hostile and indifferent bystanders and observers. This is definitely a malady that needs healing. Peter overcame it, coming out of his crucible refined for leadership in the early church.

Chief of the Bullied

Bullying has been in the news a lot lately. Whether its apparent epidemic proportion in our day is simply an issue of modern instant digital and pervasive media is a matter of conjecture. One can argue that bullying raised its ugly head in the very beginning soon after the fall of man into the ugliness of sin; the end result of Cain’s bullying of his younger brother Abel was murder; too often the ultimate outcome of this evil when persistently pursued; if not physical murder, psychological murder. Bullying is the persecution of a fellow human being (or beings) primarily to gratify the desires of the bully no matter the reasons for or how complex his or her psychological abnormality may be

Eden and Gethsemane

Two locations, separated by time but forever joined in the greatest story of history: Eden and Gethsemane. The season of Lent can have many sanctifying influences on the believer’s life, but none so evident or “Lenten as our battle with the pervasiveness of sin in us. From the symbol of ashes placed on the forehead on Ash Wednesday. . . what more prominent location to declare that sin has infiltrated every part of our being . . . to the darkness that spreads over the land on Good Friday when the battle with sin reaches its climax on the cross. It is finished there when the Victor lowers His head and dies.


In the midst of this last week of terror and suffering by the Japanese people, I have received information from many different sources generated by the earthquake and tsunami and its aftermath of death, destruction, and radiation fears from the severely damaged nuclear power plants. It is important to get some balanced perspective from as many sensible sources as possible, recognizing that the media will give a picture that is not nearly compatible with the full truth, since they are more pressured to excite and sustain readership and viewership than objectively convey actual facts on the ground.


[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]   Recently when writing a college reference for one of our young men soon to graduate from the Paul Anderson Youth Home and High School, I highlighted one of his traits which first came to light after he had been here for some time; a trait which I felt »

A Passion for Worship

A number of the older military chapels I have been in are decorated with beautiful stained glass windows some of which were designed to honor soldiers who died in battle for their country. During a worship service in such a chapel a young boy whispered to his father, sitting next to him in the pew, asking who the figures were in the stained glass windows. The father whispered back that they were soldiers who died in the service; to which the boy asked...

Big Boys Don’t Cry

Crying shows man’s humanity and the nature of the soul. It displays an aspect of the image of God in which we are created. It speaks of humility and a sense of sin; of depravity and genuine repentance. It expresses an overwhelming sense of awe at the glory and majesty of God and His Son as marveled at in their works and their creation.

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