
Why We Give

What does it take to change the world? ONE. You start with one life. That life impacts others and the number becomes far greater than one! Jonathan's family was forever changed by the investment of others into the PAYH. Their story is powerful not only because their son's life was »

A Story Of Change

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]     No man is an island. Every choice we make in life has a ripple effect on those around us. This is a foundational truth of our existence and is exemplified quite clearly within the family. Who has not been impacted by others in their own family?  Paul »

An Untamed Event

  Join us for a familySTRONG Event in Conyers, GA  Saturday, April 13th 9AM - Noon Sessions Technology: Looking for connection in all the wrong places Depression & Suicide: Coming up empty vs. finding out the true source Q & A Location Smyrna Presbyterian Church 2920 Hwy 212 SW Conyers, »

Change Is Happening

Before Jonathan’s arrest, he had a huge impact on the college campus where he was studying and selling drugs. No one had any doubt when he was taken into custody of all the problems he had caused.  Lives were impacted because of the choices he had made. Jonathan came to »

What Is Zero?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]     Every week 36,000 youth are arrested.  We think that number should be ZERO!  How about you? Share this video to help us spread the word![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Paris' Slide Show

As a part of a PAYH graduation ceremony we always show a slide show of images from the young man's time with us.  It is remarkable to look back and remember his time with us and to see the changes that take place in him.  From the physical changes as »

Receiving the Harvest

Receiving The Harvest Though it is vital to properly mold children from birth, it is important to know that with the Lord there comes mercy that can be new every morning. As God promised in Joel 2:25a: “I will restore to you the years that the locust have eaten. Because »

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