Parental Resources

How much punishment is enough?

The goal of discipline is to teach children four key principles of living a life pleasing to God: Conviction realizing where we have gone wrong; Confession asking God’s forgiveness for our wrong behavior; Forgiveness claiming what God freely offers; Change Behavior practicing the new principles God shows us. Therefore, an »

Drug Trends – Teen Issues

The world outside has not become less real just because the prisoner cannot see it." J.R.R. Tolkien Recently, several officers from the Sheriff’s Department of a large Georgia city talked with our staff concerning the drugs they were seeing emerge on the streets. As they spoke about what they were »

Children’s Privacy

Does your child deserve complete privacy? The Myth One use of the “rod in early shepherding practices is that periodically the shepherd would examine each sheep, by opening the fleece with the rod and running his hands over the body. A good shepherd will feel for any signs of trouble »

Are Video Games Addictive

Cyber drugs for boys: Online video gaming, video games. Are video games addictive? Poor grades, lying, mood swings, staying up all night, and conflicts with parents. At first glance it sounds like addiction to drugs or alcohol. In truth it’s a description of a 15-year-old who has become addicted to »

News of SNURF

In the news on September 9th, there was an article about 4 Pennsylvania 10th graders who had taken an herbal supplement called “SNURF, and wound up being hospitalized. Where had they bought them? A drug dealer? A friend? An older sibling? No, they purchased the pink pill online over the »

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